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Bugs Hunter

How to Play:
When you are playing hunting games for free online you are given the opportunity to try a game that you might never try in real life. Here you have the unique opportunity to hunt without hurting any real animals and at the same time have lots of fun doing it! It is Bugs Hunter – a game for boys and girls as you will combine the thrill of bow hunting with the delicacy of aiming butterflies!
The rules when you play hunting games like Bugs Hunter are very simple… you have to use the ‘’up’’ and ‘’down’’ arrow to rise and lower your bow while you keep the space bar pressed to set the power of your shot. When you release the space bar you will release the arrow and if you manage to strike some of the butterflies you will receive points.
The thing is you have to try and burst more than one butterfly from a single shot because, this way, you will receive more points. The more butterflies you catch in one shot the grater your score will be! Isn’t this fun?! These hunting games for free are also very entertaining and can be considered non-violent because of the cartoon-like characters.